Last night
Hubster and I decided we should celebrate St.Valentine's Day early. Our yearly celebration is going out to eat. The girls get all the heart boxed chocolates, dresses, tights, and t-shirts with hearts all over them.
Hubster and I enjoy a night out of good food more than anything. It took years for
Hubster and I to learn that unless we were going to a place that took reservations way ahead of time, we weren't getting in anywhere for dinner on St. Valentine's Day. It mobbed all over!
It will also be H
ubster's birthday on the 16
th-Wednesday. This is always celebrated with a night out to eat, and sometime I make a cake. This year I plan to make a cake since
Oldest's Pony Cake was
eaten at school and everyone has been craving cake since. I'll write later down about my cake ideas.
Yesterday wasn't going so well. It all started on my way to work. (Yes, Saturday I had to work.) I was going through the dark tunnel and then driving on the bridge and there was a sharp pain in my upper left cheek. It throbbed and then I rubbed my face and it went away. I
blamed it on the sharp sun in my eye. Then I arrived at work and started my block's walk and realized I still had the pain but it wasn't a headache really. I blew it off and got to work.
Midway through the morning I decided to go out to the Post Office to mail the Valentines the girls had taken long hours making for their grandparents. The Post Office was packed! Then as I put the packages together I realized I had forgotten the girls' valentines. I was ticked. So mad that I wanted to drive home that moment, to get them!
But I thought again and tried calling
Hubster. His phone was off.... and
ohhh yeah, I was the one responsible for this. I turned it off before I left the house that morning because the battery started getting low at around 3AM. It started with a warning beep every hour or so. We were both in the middle of our sleep- so although it was VERY annoying, we both just kept laying in bed, waking slightly
every time we heard the beep, but doing nothing about it. When I got up I just went to his phone and turned it off...didn't even plug it in to charge. I really wanted to throw it
across the room, but I
So: With no valentines the girls had made, not the greatest sleep, the pain in my brain, having to work on a Saturday, and not being able to get
a hold of
Hubster (knowing it was my own dang fault), I sent the candy and oatmeal to the grandparents and went back to work. Later I called my Mom and told her the homemade valentines would be arriving later in the week.
When I got home
Hubster was out and about. The girls were asleep in the truck as he unloaded feed from his truck. He suggested I take Oldest out to practice riding on her new bike. After giving him a run down of my crappy day and taking some headache medicine, we walked/road down to end of our
street and sat to look out at the water. This walk fixed everything.
Hubster than suggested to warm up and that we'd go out to eat.
Hubster suggested the
Surf Rider Restaurant Bluewater, located at 1 Marina Rd in Hampton, Va. Tel# 757.723.9366 It is located at the marina and very impressive with large yachts all around. In side there is a
framed newspaper article about their famous Hampton Roads Crab cakes. They have been voted to have the best crab cake in the area.The restaurant is very new and clean. There is a bar and an open window to the kitchen for the wait staff. The seating- all booths and tables set very close together (Did I tell you it was packed and the people just kept coming in at 9:30pm?). In a weird way the setting felt- New California design but also old fast service Silver Diner. The prices range from $8-$25.
Hubster had a platter of fish,
hush puppies, scallops, shrimp, and a famous crab cake. I had a cup of their homemade She Crab Soup and the
Ceaser Salad with a Crab cake. The girls split the
penne with
Alfredo sauce. It was all very delicious. I would give it 5 stars and look forward to going back sometime.
When we got home I starting thinking about the upcoming week. This
meant laundry, the girls' valentine's party at school, and
Hubster's birthday. I want to try this white sponge cake with strawberries that Andrea Nguyen wrote about: Hope it comes out like it looks! Then, also we will fill out
Oldest's Princess Valentines and
Youngest's Dinosaur Valentines. They will go in the bag with the homemade cookies Grammy made and we will be ready for the week........i think.....