Oldest was the Flower Girl in my Cousin's Wedding at age two and a half. Right before she was about to walk down the isle, she told me she needed to use the potty! So we rushed to the potty and Oldest took off her Pull-up.
I told her, "No!, you have your pretty dress on and your tights, you've got to put your Pull-up back on." I was all flustered and hurried about getting back to the line-up in time, and Oldest was unusually fussy about putting the Pull-up back on!
In haste, I threw the Pull-up in the trash, grabbed her arm and looked her in the eye, and said in a low voice, "Now Oldest, you only have tights on, you must remember to ask Mommy to use the Potty when you need to go, I don't want you to have an accident on your pretty clothes."
The ceremony went by, and then the reception went late into the night. Oldest never put a Pull-up on again. And really never needed one at night, but I just insisted as a safeguard.
Looking back on the moment-"when she let me know", was a VERY, split second decision for me. I'm glad I saw the time to make a decision. My Mom was right!
Potty Training 101: Watch, Converse, and Listen!
Taking Baby Steps,
It was pretty similar with my daughter...but, not with my sons. I have a feeling girls are often better at this than boys :)