Yes, a Bento lunch is Japanese!- not Vietnamese, but in a few minutes of wild surfing last week, I found myself reading about the adorable art of Kyaraben Bento or charater bento lunches made in the shapes of favorite cartoon characters-or anime. There are books out there and supply stores with the cutest stuff on the net.
Last night I was preparing for a weekend (day) of overtime at work. I decided to get lunches prepared for the girls-helping Hubster out. Well I made these little dog face bento lunches. I got out my artistic side and whipped these little lunches out. I also got out of work early by chance to see the girls' delight in eating their special lunches! They ate really well. Nothing was left! And Oldest even told her Grammy about it, yet the conversation was going so fast that I think Grammy might of missed Oldest's description.
I will definitely be trying this again and hope to get some more Bento making supplies A.S.A.P!!!
It was lots of FUN!!!!
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