" Ladies, welcome to Ly Air this morning, I am your Mommy/ Pilot/Flight attendant for today. I hope you are enjoying your homemade sourdough bread and Capri Sun Juice pack I quickly handed out while strapping you into your seats. It is currently 37 degrees, a bright and sunny, crisp morning, we will be flying from: Our Lovely Home to Daycare in just a few moment while we warm the cockpit. It is a quarter to ten o'clock and traffic should be relatively light, we will be arriving in approximately twenty minutes."
Yes, I'm wearing Hubster's Bomber Jacket again because I'm so cold here! After finishing the above speech to my 2 and 3 year olds (Youngest and Oldest), Youngest says,"What are you doing Mommy?!" and I say that I'm so happy to be on vacation finally, that I'm going CRAZY! But then I know they love it when I act like this, so I just keep acting silly.
We get to one of the eight lights we might drive through on our route and I come over the speaker as flight attendant. "Trash anyone, trash- trash..oops thank you very much,(it's one finished juice pack) Please make sure to eat your bread so we are finished when we get to our final destination!)"
I start talking about Christmas again and what we will be doing for the next week, that tonight we will go see Santa. "What are you going to tell him you would like for Christmas again?"
Oldest says, "A Pink Pony, a baby-baby Dinosaur, and Pink Dancing shoes like my white party shoes."
And Youngest shouts, "I want a Big, Big Dinosaur that says Roarrrr!"
Now, we will see if they have the courage to tell Santa all this....and if they will sit with him to have their picture taken.
I pull into Daycare, "Thank you all for traveling with Ly Air this morning. It is still 37 degrees, but you be sure to have a blast-in-a-half at school while I go send out Christmas Cards and put our second wreath on the garage that Hubster has been too busy to put up. Love you, and see you this afternoon when we will go see Santa!!! Yeahhhhh!"
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